It’s Weird to Put Yourself Out There

Yup. I said it. It’s weird to put yourself out there. Being a creator and small business owner with a focus on marketing, has forced me to step up and out into the world. And it has been Weird! For many who are humble and more introverted, this can seem like a monumental mountain to climb. I get that too.

I used to be an Extroverted Introvert, however as I age it seems to be flip-flopping around. I’m now more Introverted than Extroverted. Either way, I’m a lucky one who still gets to enjoy both worlds. Time alone allows me to tap into my authentic-self, while time with others opens and expands my mind and heart.

Or maybe you are having trouble with the dreaded Imposter Syndrome. I went through that too. One of my favorite inspirational Podcasts- Mel Robbins ( – shared a quote that has stood with me . It goes something like this, ” You’re not an imposter if you are just beginning. You are just a beginner.” I believe it was from her daughter who was embarking on a career as a singer/songwriter and it is so simple but so true.

Maybe your are too close to yourself or your project/ business and you are standing in the way of showcasing your true potential. Or even knowing what that is. You have become the shadow to your own light.

Putting yourself out there is weird. But it is also exciting, empowering and necessary if you want to serve more people.

I’m here to help take away that uncomfortable part of business that comes with marketing yourself. Whether I am coaching you to do your own marketing or doing it for you, I’ve learned the tips, tricks and skills to share your authentic story and make the weirdness a welcomed one. One of growth, connection and alignment.